
Tuesday March 25, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT

Negin Shariat, University of California, Irvine
Partner with Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) for Low-demand Service: Is It Viable and Beneficial for Transit Agencies?

Ritun Saha, University of California, Irvine
Optimal Fare Policy and Fleet Sizing for Integrated Fixed-route Transit and Microtransit

Samuel Speroni, University of California, Los Angeles
The Missing Bus? School Bus and Student Transit Programs in California

Henry Bernal, University of California, Irvine
Time or Cost? An experimental analysis of travel behavior in LA  Metro’s GoPass program

Negin Shariat

PhD student, University of California, Irvine
Partner with Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) for Low-demand Service: Is It Viable and Beneficial for Transit Agencies? - In areas with low transit demand or during off-peak hours, fixed-route bus services often struggle with low productivity while maintaining regular headways... Read More →

Ritun Saha

Graduate Student (PhD), University of California, Irvine
Optimal Fare Policy and Fleet Sizing for Integrated Fixed-route Transit and Microtransit - Integrating microtransit with fixed-route transit (FRT) presents a great opportunity for transit agencies to improve mobility and accessibility by leveraging the flexibility benefits of microtransit... Read More →

Samuel Speroni

PhD Student, Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Los Angeles
The Missing Bus? School Bus and Student Transit Programs in California - The school bus remains an important part of providing children a ride to school in the United States. In most of the country, nearly four in ten students rely on the school bus. But in California, less than ten... Read More →

Henry Bernal

Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Irvine
Time or Cost? An experimental analysis of travel behavior in LA Metro’s GoPass program - This study examines the impacts of LA Metro’s GoPass program, which provides free transit to community college students. Using a discrete choice experiment (DCE), students chose between transit... Read More →
Tuesday March 25, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
102 Bauer Wurster (61)

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