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Central Coordination of Connected Autonomous Vehicles At A Signal Free Intersection For Movement Free Lanes - The cost of equipping and maintaining traffic
signals at intersections is high enough to motivate approaches
where physical equipment is replaced with a virtual one by
taking advantage of connectivity and fast computations. In this
presentation, we will show a centralized intersection controller for real-
time coordination of dynamic traffic demands of Connected
and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) at a signal-free intersection.
We assess the performance of our method through
multiagent microscopic simulations in CARLA’s open source environment,
benchmarking it against a traffic light controlled intersection
that uses an optimal cycle length and phase plan derived from
Webster’s method. Our simulation results indicate that the
proposed intersection controller reduces average delays and
increases average flow rate per lane compared to a traffic
lights. As expected the quantity of improvement depends on
the demand.